BE Networks

Network Migration

Modernize and standardize networks without fear

Keeping your network current while maintaining application performance is hard. If it was easier, most companies would avoid vendor lock-in, eliminate security and compliance issues, and improve their competitive abilities. Verity was designed to help network operators perform upgrades from legacy and End-of-Life platforms with zero application downtime.

A new network for today’s needs

Brownfield Migration

Upgrade your existing network to the latest technology

Sunset Technology

Modernize while protecting asset investments

Vendor Replacement

Switch suppliers without retraining your staff

1 - Brownfield Migration

Brownfield Migration

Upgrade with limited impact to operations

Migrating a running network is not easy. Maintaining application performance while moving to new physical hardware presents a number of challenges, often leading to paralysis and a fear of upgrading.


  • Interoperability Issues
  • Downtime and Disruption
  • Skills Gap & Stakeholder Resistance
  • Security Risks
  • Performance Optimization

How Verity Helps

  • Supports for all vendor SONiC distributions
  • Compatible with all the latest hardware
  • Automated preparation of new network
  • Guided conversion process – Go at your own pace
  • Security compliance and validation
Brownfield Migration
2 - Sunset Technology

Sunset Technology

Move your network forward and reuse assets

Sunset Technology Move your network forward and reuse assets

Businesses are typically reluctant to replace End-of-Life (EOL) network equipment, even when the vendor is no longer in business. This presents several extreme business continuity risks:

  • Network Disruption
  • Performance Degradation
  • Compliance Risks
  • Limited Scalability
3 - Vendor Migration

Vendor Migration

Diversify and leverage open source to prevent lock-in

Vendor Migration - Diversify and leverage open source to prevent lock-in

Verity’s Proven Sunset Migration Process

BE Networks has helped countless business migrate away from deprecated and End-of-Life (EOL) networking platforms. Most recently, Verity has been used to evacuate application traffic from legacy Software Defined Networking (SDN) solutions that were creating high levels of risk for the business. Verity offers a number of capabilities to make migrations easy:

  • Legacy Configuration Conversion
  • Incremental Migrations
  • In-place Replacements or Parallel Networks
  • Industry Standards & Compatibility

For more information, download the Solution Brief

For more information, download the Solution Brief
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